I have just had a very interesting realization. By and large, the majority of people accept the Argument From Design for the existence of an intelligent creator, but in contrast, when they consider the state of our world, its poverty and its war, they attribute no primary movers, and instead think of it a a chaotic jumble of unregulatable fractionary (and ungodly) forces. But this later view point at least is greatly nieve. For people to be truly impoverished means they lack the means to sustain themselves in a reasonable fashion. This means they either don't have the knowledge to do so, or they do not have enough land off of which to provide food and water, establish shelter and community. Men need little more than this to maintain diginified lives. Just ask the Amish. Yet billions do not have this. How is that possible? People have been existing without modern means for thousands upon thousands of years and now suddenly billions have no idea how to do so any more? Quite obviously, at some point in their heritage these people were deprived of their traditional way of life. they were discourged from learning the ways of there forefathers, or were dislocated from their lands. And examples of this abound. The most obvious are the American Indians, the African slaves, and the Palestinians. No matter how you slice it, that's the bottom line. When it suits them, the powerful displace the less powerful to gain their lands and/or destablize their traditional livelihoods for a cheap source of labor. How ironic it is then to consider Christian missionaries who sought to bring salvation, but who are in actuality the pawns of the powerful and hairbringers of social down fall. Yet who can blame them? Are they not like the the modern American tax payer? If you do not pay your taxes you are breaking the law, marked unpatriotic, and will go to jail. But if you do, then your tax dollars (not to mentoin you debt payments) are filling the cofers of the powerful and still spilling blood.
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